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AstroPilot has 5 manual modes: 1-5, lunar mode-6, sideral mode-7, solar mode-8 and configuration mode-9. Modes 1-5 working with speeds: x1, x2, x10, x20, x100 (against sideral speed). In modes 6-8 AstroPilot automatically output clock pulses for Ra ax and in mode 7 is possible guide correction. Modes 6 and 8 are a little bit slower than mode 7 (sideral) but difference can be registered after long time (hour or more). Mode change can be done by using function button (middle button, usually red coloured). Just pres and hold this function button and look at display where modes will be rotate with cycle: 1->2->3->4->5->6->7->8->9->0->blank->1->2->-3 .... and so on. Mode choise can be done by release function button when on display is desired mode digit. After release button desire mode digit starts to blink and this mode can be accepted with accept button (rigth direction button (->) - usually green coloured). If mode digit is blinking then possible is acceptance of this mode (described upper) or continue mode rotation with function button (red). Mode 9 is setting mode. In this mode is possible setting sideral speed as base speed for manual modes (1-5) and automatic modes (6-9). Mode 9 is obtained as the other modes by using function button (red) and acceptance button (green). In this mode, on main level, display shows, so called, steering sequence wchich decide about sideral speed in manual mode 1 and automatic mode 7 (the rest of modes are related against sideral speed as descibed upper). Steering sequence is chain of 6 digits between blank display and is continously repeated. For example if steering sequence is 035673 on display will be chain of digits: blank->0->3->5->6->7->3-blank->0->3....and so on. To change sequence on particular place the following steps should be done for every digit wchich should be changed. Lets sequence 035673 should be changed to 035875 (on 4-th and 6-th positions - left side counting). It's never mind wchich position is changed first. During continously rotation of sequence wait until on display will be digit 6 (wchich be replaced by 8) and press and hold function button (red). On display will start rotate values in cycle: 6->7->8->9->0->1->2->-3->4->5->6->7->.... and so on. Wait until on display will be digit 8 and release function button. Digit 8 will start to blink. As before in mode changing procedure, now is possible acceptance current choise with green button (->) or another digit choise by press and hold function button. When choise on particular position will be done then system will back to main level and on display will be again steering sequence with new avlue on 6-th position: blank->0->3->5->8->7->3- blank->0->3....and so on. The another changes in sequence should be done similar by using function button (red) for particular digit and acceptance with green button (->). After steering sequence changes will be done, changes should be stored in nonvolative memory to be active after next start. To do it just press and hold green button (->) until, at the end of steering sequence, on display will appear twice digit 9. It's means that changes was stored. The last thing is to restart AstroPilot with power down and power up (give AstroPilot no less then 5 seconds between stop and start power suply). If sequence will not be stored with green button (->) than changes will be lost. It's also means that, if You lost in steering sequence changes just power down and power up again, choise mode 9 and take changing procedure again from the start. Ocasionally, specially when power suply socket is failed and power suply can change up and down very fast in second, part or whole sequence can be lost and blank display can be seen on more than one place in sequence. In such case sideral speed usually has nonpredictable value and AstroPilot seems to be death but dont panic!. Your AstroPilot for sure is working properly - only steering sequence shoud be fixed. Just fix power suply socket, power on AstroPilot, choise mode 9 and try to establish any digit on every position wchich appears as empty. Most important in such case is set up any digit on every position as described upper. When sequence will be full (with 6 digits) then can be setup with proper value on every position (with red and green button) and stored (with green button) as described before. I Wish You luck! |
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