AstroPilot calculator
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Stepper engines needs sequence signals to properly steering movement of engine ax. In simplest case steering means power on and power off wired section in right order. Such steering mode is called full step. If steering sequence consist steps when both wired section are powered on and then ax can move with half of full step and this steering mode is called half step what means double accuracy and engine seems to have step as half as default step. Using more complex methods is possible divide basic engine step on 4, 8, 16 and smaller parts (usually power of 2). This technic is called microstepping what means improve accuracy, avoiding rezonans effects and in such conditions stepper engine is very similar to direct current engine but with full control over movement. Microstepping can be another method to making total mount gear bigger just with microstep ratio T.

Total mount gear G depends on:
mechanical gear M,
Engine step S (360/step),
Steering type T (full, half or microstepping),
and can be counted as product of this three values: G = M * S * T

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